Brown Trout

Trout fishing in Scotland comes in many, many forms. You can cast an upstream dry fly to a rising fish in a Perthshire river, or flick a team of spiders across a fast, streamy run where a tributary meets the main stem.

Perhaps hiking through the hills to fish a series of remote lochans is more your style, or exploring the pocket water on a highland burn with a fast-sinking nymph.

The most popular method here is to fish ‘loch style’ with traditional Scottish wet flies while drifting a loch on a boat – give it a try, it’s a great day out.

Rainbow Trout

Although Scotland is best known for its wild brown trout, there are plenty of lochs stocked with rainbow trout (introduced from North America in the 19th century). These can provide great sport when high water makes river fishing difficult or impossible. In addition, many rainbow trout fisheries are open all year round, allowing us to go on fishing during the closed season for brown trout (7 October to 14 March inclusive). 

Our Trophy Trout Trip

Each year we make a pilgrimage north to some of the most productive wild brown trout waters in the United Kingdom. It’s called Fishinguide’s Trophy Trout Trip, and we’re targeting the large trout that live in the remote lochs of the Orkney Islands. It’s remote, it’s never crowded and it may well be the place where you catch the trout of your life. Click READ MORE for info on our latest Trophy Trout Trip.

Our Locations


The real gem of Perthshire is the River Tay and its tributaries. It’s massively underestimated for its trout fishing, largely because it’s a salmon river. This means the trout are left to do their own thing, and their thing is to grow – both in size and number. Perthshire also has lots of great lochs for trout fishing, some of which are stocked but most are entirely wild.


Argyll has it all. The very biggest trout in the UK can be found in Argyll (the current record is 31lb 10oz), and one of our guides is considered the UK’s best angler for these enormous fish. There are hundreds of lochs filled with beautiful wild brownies, rivers where they can be taken using spiders, nymphs or dry flies, and also estuaries and coastline where hard-fighting sea trout can be caught.


Trout fishing out of Edinburgh is convenient, rewarding and diverse. There are several lochs to choose from, most of which are within 40 minutes drive of the city. The majority are stocked with rainbow trout which usually provide reliable and entertaining sport. If river fishing for wild brownies is your thing, you’d be better to plan a trip in Perthshire or Argyll.

How Your Trip Works

1. Start of the day
Your guide will pick you up at your accommodation (usually at 9am) and drive you to the fishing venue where they will set you up with the most suitable fishing equipment for the day’s conditions.

2. Coaching and assistance
Your guide will coach you on local conditions, show you where and how to cast, and generally how to fish the way that we have found is the most effective. If you’re an experienced angler your guide will simply offer tips and guidance.

3. Friendly company
Your guide will provide friendly company throughout the day, offer advice on playing big powerful fish, net and unhook your catch and help you out with any fishing troubles (like snags and tangles).

4. Lunch
You’ll stop for a lunch break, usually around 1pm (unless otherwise arranged, lunch is not included, so be sure to bring something to eat).

5. End of the day
Your guide will take you back to your accommodation around 5pm. The photos that they have taken of you throughout your day will be sent on afterwards.

Prices for guided trout fishing